Send us a Picture of you signing WunTu and send it to WunTuSign@WunTuMedia.com
This sign represents WunTu, and it’s created by combining the triangles made by the fingers of both hands. It’s a visual representation of unity and connection, symbolizing the spirit of WunTu. Feel free to perform this sign and share it with us as a symbol of your connection to WunTu.
The process for creating the “WunTu” sign with your fingers using text:
- Step 1: Extend your right hand in front of you, palm facing towards you.
- Step 2: Extend your left hand in front of you, palm facing towards you.
- Step 3: With your left hand, form the shape of a triangle by touching the tip of your index finger to the tip of your index finger.
- Step 4: With your left hand, use your index finger to touch the tip of your index finger on your right hand.
- Step 5: Bring both hands together so that the triangles created by your thumbs and index fingers overlap, forming the “WunTu” sign.